For over 50 years, the Urban League of Rochester has been at the forefront of the fight for equity in our community. As an affiliate of the National Urban League, we are the country’s largest civil rights organization. And through more than 25 local programs, we seek to provide services, education, and empowerment to African Americans, Latinos, the poor, and other disadvantaged individuals.
At this pivotal moment in history where our community faces a double pandemic, we are fighting to INTERRUPT RACISM in the greater Rochester area through a grassroots movement. And we need your help.
The more people who sign up to be INTERRUPTERS—the more people that pledge they will INTERRUPT RACISM—the more equitable of a future we can create for Rochester.
Take the pledge today!:
“I will not accept or participate in prejudice. I will not remain silent in the face of racism. Instead, I will INTERRUPT RACISM. I will stand with the Urban League of Rochester and work toward a more equitable future for Rochester.”
In Phase 1 of this project, we sought out the voices of individuals who might not otherwise have a seat at policy tables to share their experiences of racism in our community and collected their insights and suggested correctives.
In Phase 2, we will be sharing a report of this data through a partnership with Rochester Institute of Technology faculty. We will also be virtually hosting our first INTERRUPT RACISM Summit in October 2020, where we will collaborate with local and national civil rights leaders and subject matter experts on “Unmasking and Dismantling Racism.”
We invite you to join us in this project: We offer opportunities for individuals and for organizations or businesses, each of which come with considerable benefits. In addition to incentives like complimentary tickets to ULR events and INTERRUPT RACISM merchandise, our INTERRUPTERS are also always the first to know about the Urban League’s next steps in our fight for equity. 100% of your gifts will go directly to our INTERRUPT RACISM programming, including the INTERRUPT RACISM Summit.
Will you become an INTERRUPTER?
Please feel free to contact our Digital Engagement Officer William Rivera-Bloodworth at with any questions.